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Tips for deep washing and cleaning of upholstery

Tips for deep washing and cleaning of  upholsteryTips for deep washing and cleaning of upholstery

Tips for deep washing and cleaning of  upholstery

Occasionally need deep cleaning and melba furniture, textiles, even when patches are not visible to the naked eye. Top-depth cleaning and furniture in Belgrade for carpet cleaning Markovic. The dust that is in every home can darken the fabric of your furniture and your dust deposits sitting, a horizontal or a second set of furniture can cause damage, so it will give her the old and untidy appearance. These are the black oily areas on a bed, chair, chair or other piece of furniture that you use in your home. 

In addition to Stolac, and clean furniture that looks good and also prevent the occurrence of allergies caused by dust mites and dust. Most furniture textile can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with deep cleaning or steam cleaner, however, we recommend professional cleaning of furniture in the carpet service Markovic carpet or some other service in Belgrade, in which you trust.

Ordering laundry and cleaning furniture upholstery

1. Remove all cushions from furniture and set them aside, wash and clean them later, especially.

2. Take a vacuum cleaner hose and vacuum up the crumbs and dust. The first vacuum dirtiest cities, usually these are areas for seating and handrails, and then the rest of the furniture or furniture. Do not rub with a hose for textiles during vacuum cleaning. This way you scratch the next fabric also pushing dirt into the fabric, and later will very difficult to get away, the dirt from the furniture. Let the cleaner do its job and pick up all the crumbs and dirt. 

3. Apply the cleaner furniture fabric first on areas that are najuprljanija. Before using, read the declaration and usage, which is situated on a packaging means for deep cleaning and furniture. 

4. Rub the cleaner furniture, gently on the sofa, in fact, use a clean, slightly damp or completely dry, cloth or sponge, depending on the type of material to be washed furniture. If you use a dry cloth or sponge with a rebate (intended exclusively for cleaning microfiber), as soon as it becomes dirty, rinse immediately or if you have more than one such sponge or cloth, then replaced. If you use a damp cloth for the rest of upholstery, more often rinse with clean water. Be sure to wash it before you switch to a new area cleaning sets, furniture.

5. Apply the cleanser on the furniture and the rest of the set, and make sure that you rub with a sponge rebate. Wait until the treated area is dry completely (to speed up the process, wet areas dry with a hair dryer). While waiting for the furniture to dry, you can start by cleaning bag you previously put aside. First, vacuum them thoroughly on both sides. Use the cleaner only one side bag, because you have to let that side to dry before starting to clean the other side cushion. 

6. When the furniture is completely dry, vacuum it once more. In this way, the suction will remove the last remnants of cleaning and washing of furniture.

Warning! carpet service Markovic

• Kada se nešto prospe po vašem nameštaju, mebliranoj garnituri, sprečite nastanak velike mrlje, upijajući sundjerom pokupite što više prljave tečnosti. Nakon što ste to učinili, očistite to mesto sa sredstvom za čišćenje nameštaja odnosno štofa. 
• Neke garniture imaju navlake koji se mogu skinuti. Ako vaša garnitura ima navlake, samo ih skinite, operite ih u hladnoj vodi. Najbolje će se oprati na ruke. Nakon toga ih okačite da se osuše, jer ako ih stavite u sušionik, postoji opasnost da će se skupiti, što opet zavisi od vrste tkanine.
• Ako je vaša garnitura od mikrovlakana, koristite četku kako bi uklonili dlake vašeg ljubimca ili neke druge tvrdokorne mrlje. 
• Ako vaš usisivač ima filter, povedite računa da je čist pre nego što krenete da usisavate garnituru.
• Pored toga što je većina sredstava za pranje i čišćenje  nameštaja bezopasna, postoji mogućnost da tkanina izbledi ili izgubi boju nakon primene sredstva za pranje. Zato pre nego počnete sa korišćenjem sredstva za pranje nameštaja, isprobajte ga na tkanini sličnoj onoj na garnituri ili nekom manje vidljivom mestu garniture.
• Izbegavajte korišćenje prevelike količine vode prilikom čišćenjja. Vlažnost može stvoriti pogodno područje za razvoj moljaca, a to ni u kom slučaju ne želite

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